Email and Communication Policy for
IDM Signs & Graphics

Effective Date: 01/01/2024
Welcome to IDM Signs & Graphics! This Email and Communication Policy outlines our practices and guidelines for email communications and subscriptions. Our aim is to ensure a clear, respectful, and secure exchange of information with our clients and subscribers.
Email Subscription and Newsletters
  1. Subscription Service: Individuals interested in receiving updates about our services, products, and general company news can subscribe by sending an email to Our newsletters may be sent out on a daily or weekly basis, depending on the type of information and updates we wish to share.
  2. Opting Out: Subscribers have the right to opt out of receiving communications from us at any time. To unsubscribe, please send an email to with a request to be removed from our mailing list. Upon receiving your request, you will receive an automatic confirmation email acknowledging that we are processing your opt-out. Please allow up to 30 days for your request to be fully processed and for you to be removed from our subscription list.
  3. Issues with Unsubscribing: If you encounter any issues or if you are not removed from our subscription list within 30 days, please contact us directly at 800-650-1591. We are committed to resolving any subscription issues promptly and efficiently.
Email Communications
  1. Client Communications: Email is a primary method for communicating with our clients regarding projects, services, and support. We are dedicated to maintaining the confidentiality and security of all email exchanges.
  2. Protection of Information: All information shared in our email communications is protected and confidential. By engaging in email communication with IDM Signs & Graphics, clients agree to treat such information as confidential.
  3. Nondisclosure Agreement: By visiting our website and engaging in communication with IDM Signs & Graphics, you understand and agree to a binding nondisclosure agreement. This agreement prohibits the retention, sharing, or disclosure of any information, designs, or other materials received during communication with IDM Signs & Graphics to any third parties, competitors, or other businesses. Violation of this agreement may result in legal action pursued by IDM Signs & Graphics for breach of confidentiality.
IDM Signs & Graphics is committed to ensuring a respectful, secure, and professional email and communication environment for all our clients and subscribers. We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to this policy, which helps us maintain the integrity and confidentiality of our communications.

For any questions regarding this policy or to report any issues related to email communications or subscriptions, please contact us at (800) 650-1591

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